Online Sale! Everything new from the Fall Shop Release will be only become available at noon - so sign in to your account, get ready and keep refreshing that page! I know I will - my caffeine intake and adrenaline is through the roof by 11:59! It sometimes can get a little wild at checkout- the only way to ensure a piece is officially yours is to finish checking out before everyone else. The best way to make that happen is by creating an account ahead of time and safely saving your payment info so you have less to do at check out. I cant guarantee that everyone gets what they want but this should definitely help! If there’s something you missed out on and cant live with out, let me know and we can talk about custom orders.
I need to work on my seasonal photo game… just imagine a beautiful fall table scape with multiple place-settings, baking dishes, lovely serving platters and all the cute little dishes you would need to make your holiday thoughtful and personal! But here in real life these are a versatile set of pasta bowls in gold, cream and matte black.