Baker, Rectangular. Shino & Denim 9.75"


Stoneware, oven safe. Best to hand wash due to size.

It measures 9.75” long x 7.5” wide x 3.25” deep, with nice sized sturdy handles.

Care and Use:

Care: this piece has been fired to 2200 degrees, it is very durable. Like any other ceramic or glass item, please be careful to avoid temperature shock It needs to be both heated and cooled slowly. For example, never take a cold dish from the fridge or freezer and put it directly into or on a preheated hot stove. Never put a hot dish into cold water or onto a cold surface. This item is not flamewar and CANNOT go directly on the stove top or flame. Gradual temperature change is best. If you take care to remember that little bit, you should be able to enjoy this dish for a very long time.

This baker is great for LOTS OF THINGS! You could roast a chicken in here… you could make the worlds best Baked French Toast (click for recipes) or anything you have to roast really!

Nice and deep for travel to a “everyone brings a dish” holiday party and its lovely enough to leave on the table to serve from.

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